Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just As I Suspected

My therapist and I discussed the next thing I should do regarding speaking to my parents. He suggested I not cut everything off, but still continue to attempt to keep the lines of communication open. I was wary, as I seem to keep hitting deadends, but agreed to call on Sunday - just once a week instead of every day - and make small talk. If there were any "explosions" by her, I was to say "I cannot speak to you when you are acting this way. I am sorry, but I have to hang up." And do so. Sunday rolled around and I called at approximately 2:30 pm. Amazingly, my mother answered the phone. I was pleasant and inquired about her and my father. Not two minutes into the conversation, I said "I just wanted to tell you there is a possibility Ingrid has lupus." KABLAM! The response? " WELL, I'M NOT SURPRISED!" I stuttered, "This has nothing to do with her weight so how can you -" "I'M SO GLAD DICK WAS THERE IN THE HOSPITAL WHN YOU CALLED AND - " I said "I'm sorry, I cannot talk to you while you are acting this way. I simply called to ask how you and Dad were doing." "WE'RE JUST FINE!" I silently hung up the phone. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my therapist, and I will tell him I have had more than enough of her shenanigans. I am tired of trying to explain to others that this is a no-win situation. I have to do what is right for me. My mother seems to be determined to ostracize both myself and my brother. For what reason, I have no clue, but she is doing a slambang job of it. She and my father will die alone, as I have no interest in continuing to be on the receiving end of this emotional blackmail. They were not there when I needed them the most when I was younger, nor when I got older, so this is simply the final end of the game. I am taking my toys and going home, never to return. And for that, I am grateful, as I have been ostracized too much, too long. Yes, it is sad, but it cannot be helped. Some people are just not suited to be with their biological parents. I am one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Nope... it's that some people are just not suited to be good parents, and that's, unfortunately, your parents.
    Part of a parent's job is to be loving, nurturing and supportive of their children... even when their children are not their ideal of perfection. If you can't do that, if you can't be there for your children... you shouldn't have children. Period.
    Your parents have never been able to, or have been totally unwilling to be any of that for you in the entire time I have known you, going all the way back 25 years, sweetie.
    Enough is enough. It is time for you to do what is best for you and your own peace of mind.
